Friday, February 24, 2012

A Critique of a Horrible Ad

     One of the worst ads in recent memory was Republican Rick Perry’s “Strong” advertisement:
     Basically, everything about this political campaign advertisement is just wrong. Like most political advertisements, it aims straight for pathos; which, in this time of unrest and overwhelming concern for the direction in which our country is headed, is likely the most logical choice. But the way Perry attacks  the target he picks—specifically, homosexuality—is so hilariously backward and absurd, it only leaves the viewer wondering if what they just saw was real, or a Tim & Eric bit, or an illusion. An incredibly brittle mask hides the vitriolic content of the speech; the pleasant flowing creek in the background, the lush, green hills, and Perry’s unfailingly sickening smile.
     It’s baffling because it’s not too hard to find common ground on an issue, even across political parties. It’s easy to see that most people in America are in some shape or form upset with the way things have been going in the past decade; you don’t even have to blame anyone, although they most certainly would. So of all the concerns we face as a people, the downturned economy likely being the most prominent, why did Perry lament the alleged sacrifice of religious freedom? Which, I might add, is hyperbolic, nonsensical, and, well, wrong. Which would have been bad enough had he not used progression in gay rights as an example of how this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
     It’s rare that a political advertisement is unifying in any way; you’re lucky if a viewer of the opposing party doesn’t start foaming at the mouth and barking when one comes on. But this one’s done it. Even conservatives saw this ad and wondered what the hell it was they just watched. Of all the negative political ads, of all the hyperbolic, apocalyptic, manipulative language I’ve seen in advertisements, this has got to be one of the worst.
     Even SNL waited for a while before sinking their teeth into Obama, but that was hardly the case with this one. Comedy spoofs parodying this ad exploded practically the following day.

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